Monday, May 13, 2024

A walk through my back forty


Anybody home?

The back hill is covered with these beauties now. They are spreading like mad

Maples are in leaf

A few more days and we won't see the house from the hill

Whatcha watching?

How about this young feller? He's out on the road, he's on the path back of the house, he's in the neighbours yard. He better get wise before fall. I don't know if he licked my camera or just sniffed it but he mucked it up, hahaha.

A lovely temperature for a walk, but the bugs drove us back down the hill


  1. I should go look at trilliums soon, but it's is usually raining, and there are things to do. Besides, they will look as they always do. Nevertheless, I hope to visit the patches that I know.

  2. Looks like a back yard most of us would like.
    Just catching up after being busy yesterday.
    Glad you had an Enjoyable Mother's Day.
    Hope you found out what your problem is.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Lovely trilliums. The leaves are sure coming out now, and apple trees are starting to bloom.
    I love my 'Original Bug Shirt', from The Original Bug Shirt Co. in Powassan, Ontario. It is indispensable for walks in the bush now.

  4. Great pictures of your walk. The bus sure can be a pest.

  5. That trillium! I love them! And is that a young moose? Wow!

  6. That is one bummed-looking moose. Could it be that a blackfly or two is circling in for the kill?

    1. sadly they all look like that right now.
