Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer weather

 Hopefully all the Dad's had a nice Fathers Day. We celebrated on Saturday with Poppa. The neighbour made some nice appetizers and Davey did a BBQ.

Yesterday M. and I took a drive in the countryside toward one of our favorite access spots into Algonquin. The pup had a wonderful afternoon chasing sticks into Stevenson Lake. We meandered home slowly via another road.  The Wood Lilies are blooming in profusion.  I just love them. Some are a single blossom, there might be doubles or triples. I found SEVEN on one stem and just had to bring it home and add to my vase. 

My peonies are blooming, right in time for my daughters birthday. I try to take her some blossoms. Spreading the cayenne pepper around the bushes sure worked to deter the dastardly chipmunks that were eating the buds last year. 

We had a nice little rain last night but it's sure going to boost the humidity later today. We are in for a prolonged extreme HOT spell. Upon rising I closed all the windows and curtains upstairs. I really hate running the AC, (it makes my fibromyalgia flare up) so the longer we can keep it off the better.

Mrs Blanding Turtle did her annual wander through the front yard late yesterday afternoon. She has been doing this for over 20 years. It was so nice to see that she is so healthy. Her shell is just perfect. No nicks or bumps or damage. All of her spots are easily seen. She is a very mature girl.  These turtles are a species at risk in more urban parts of the province of Ontario.  Development is threatening their habitat. They are not threatened or at risk in my area (unless they get stuck on the road unfortunately) There is lots of native habitat that will never be developed, as well as the population being well schooled in turtle etiquette. Turtle "fences" and warning signs proliferate. Folks watch for nests and put "fences" over them so the vermin won't get at the eggs.  I'm not sure how effective these are against raccoons though. The nasty devils don't have any problem dumping my heavy garbage receptacles. 

Garden boxes are booting along beautifully!

Fathers Day at the lake with loved ones. My best pal Marley and her man GM. 
(Those are the magnificent Opeongo Hills off in the distance. You should see them in the autumn!!)


  1. The man looks pretty content on Father's Day.

    1. Those folks are my best pal Marley and her man GM. He sure likes that throne, hahaha,

  2. Glad you were able to celebrate Father's Day in a relaxed mode.
    Nice that you try to help the turtles in your area. we are too developed.
    Be Safe and Enjoy staying comfortable.

    It's about time.

  3. Beautiful blooms. The garden looks good, and looks like everyone is having a good time! Love to see that mature Blandings.

  4. It sounds like a great time. I LOVE those wood lilies -- I've never seen those (I would have brought one home, too!)

  5. We celebrated Saturday, and Sunday was a disaster of major proportions. Report follows on my site.
    Those are gorgeous blooms.
