Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday night fever

 I'm not hockey crazy. I rarely watch the sport anymore. It's kind of tradition to watch the final game of the season though. I can remember being at our summer place (RV)nin blistering heat, watching hockey and just melting. Our windows would be wide open, along with all the other RVs in the park. When the local (Ottawa) team scored, the park would ERUPT in cheers. 

 My Dad was crazy for the game, as was my late husband. I am a Stanley descendant from my Dad, so I guess it's kind of a requirement to see the cup hoisted, haha. I think Canada needs a turn at bringing it home.

Go Oilers!!!


  1. Hope your team wins! (I don't have a dog in this fight!)

    1. I don't have a dog in the fight either. I descend from Lord Stanley through my Richardson G.Gma so it's kind of tradition to see the family silver hoisted skyward.

  2. I have a team that didn't make it this year. So, while I often have the game on, I am often not watching closely. I was last night though.
