Thursday, June 27, 2024

How can it be Thursday already

 The weather is just perfect yesterday and today. Not a lot of rain and none of that blistering heat that had us panting.

I've been really quiet. My arm is very sore. I have a big sore bruise where she took the blood so I'm trying to let that heal with out aggravating it more. So no vacuuming. Yeah!

At the suggestion of my doctor, I'm starting Keto. I'm already hating it. Craving cereal, toast and a cookie. Man oh man! Good thing I love olives, eggs and cheese though.

We had a little rain overnight. Just enough to keep the plants happy.

So here we are approaching the big holiday event of the summer. In my space we celebrate Canada Day on July 1.  There are lots of events in the town. We have fireworks but not sure if we will fire them. My cousins to the south have the big holiday on July 4. Again, lots of fun events and picnics and fireworks. We are the same, but different after all.  It looks like there is some rain in the forecast though :(

We haven't really made any plans. 

The brilliant colors of summer!

Asiatic lilies in the garden

I have zinnias growing here there and everywhere

Does anything smell sweeter than milkweed blossoms? There are caterpillars too, but they are camera shy this afternoon.

The geraniums are a riot of color, though I'm not sure what is going on with the leaves of this one.


  1. It is certainly cool enough to do 'some' yardwork today.

  2. I love your doctor!! Ours would never mention keto as a choice.
    You'll get used to it, eat good things like butter, cheese, BACON, high fat yogourt and cheesecake!! It takes a while getting used to but if you stick to it, you'll be pleased.
    Hope your arm feels better soon.

    1. I get the fat, but how to eat butter without bread?

  3. Good luck on your keto quest. I stayed on it for about three weeks as a way to jump start some weight loss. (which it did). Nice temperatures right now. -Jenn

  4. Gorgeous flowers, and yes, the milkweed are blooming. Have you seen any Monarchs? They seem to be very few and far between this summer. Hope your arm feels better soon, and good luck with the Keto.

    1. I've seen a few. Have caterpillars!

    2. I keep looking, but nothing yet. We have only seen, maybe 3 or 4 Monarchs so far. We have lots of beautiful, flawless milkweeds blooming around here.
