Friday, December 22, 2023

This and That

 I just read a news report that imports of UK cheese are going to be curtailed as of December 31. Apparently it has something to do with an import agreement and Britain pulling out of the EU. I wonder if all of Britain is going to be affected?

People are getting frantic as the big day looms. It's quiet around here.  We enjoyed our quiet honoring of the Solstice. M. gifted me a wonderful book. It's about all of the customs from "olden days" that have survived into modern day. Of course the year starts with the Solstice/Christmas customs in December.

We got about eight inches of snow a couple of days ago. It has been pretty cold, minus TWENTY Celcius last night. I expect it will be a white Christmas on our patch, even though Monday will apparently be above freezing.

M. and I are going to enjoy a Tourtiere for our Christmas Day meal.  I use a recipe from my dear old friend Betty P., who was French Canadian. Her spices and seasonings were quite subtle compared to many of the recipes you see. 

I'll spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying a corny Christmas movie and knitting a pair of red mittens (in case we get any surprise visitors!)


  1. It is quiet here as well. Gradually working through the dinner stuff that can be done ahead, as my gang always wants a turkey dinner with all the fixin's. Your tourtiere sounds lovely. Just went for a moonlit walk. It is beautiful out, the snow squeaks underfoot...

  2. Merry Christmas! We may get rain too, never can tell about December weather:)

  3. Looks like you are set. Have a good one.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and the mysterious M. I hope you have a wonderful time together and perhaps get a visitor for those read mittens!

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Barely any snow here, should melt by Christmas Day. Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me, your plans.

  6. Tourtiere is a good idea. I have shepherds pie for the microwave, and pie for dessert.
