Saturday, April 13, 2024

Cabin Fever

 The day dawned cold and wet and downright miserable.

We spent the morning reading but started to get itchy. The Princess got loaded into the back seat and off we went. We stopped at McD for some lunch and coffee. The last time I was in this particular McD they screwed up my coffee, then got mad at me, and downright rude, when I requested the right thing. This time that owner got snippy when I requested more salt and ketchup. We used to know the long term manager of this outlet. I bumped into him around Christmas time and he gave me quite an earful. 

With lunch in the bag we drove to the beach at the nearby military establishment. During the warm months this beach and campground is packed. No such thing today. We sat in the warm car and watched the angry waves roll in. 

The sky cleared later in the day. We finally had visitors wander by the trail camera. They were nibbling fresh buds as they meandered up the trail. I heard snorting when the pup and I went up, so Momma was letting us know she had her eye on us. Don't mind the date and time stamp on the photo. The camera just won't hold my correction. The temperature is accurate though. Brrrr!



  1. Service at fast-food outlets is not what it used to be.
    Our weather tomorrow will be both good and bad.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your visitors.

    It's about time.

  2. The wind was very inhibiting as far as outdoor activities went! Snow flakes and raindrops were going by sideways. Wish the sun had come out just a little earlier, but the evening was nice.

  3. It's a wonder they are able to keep that franchise.

  4. It is good to get out on the road!

  5. Sometimes you just have to get it and it looks like you found the perfect day to do it!
