Monday, April 15, 2024


 We've had friends who've had one their social media accounts "cloned". We wonder what the heck these people are trying to gain.

A friend of ours thinks he found out. His Facebook was cloned about a year ago. He warned his associates and moved on. That cloned account might have come back to haunt him. The past couple of weeks people have been showing up at his door for crazy demands. Some are there to collect items they purchased from "him" via etransfer. Some come to collect money from thing he "bought". A sanitation company came to collect for porta potty rentals. Police claim there is nothing they can do about it.

scary situation

I talked to my insurance guy today. We can't get workers. One guy who gave us a wishy washy quote is now ghosting us, so it looks like he doesn't want the job. The other guy who came out made a lot of demands and odd promises that raised red flags. The insurance company rejected him. Back to square one.


  1. Nasty, we, too, have been caught in a scam. We think we could never let it happen, but it can when and where you least expect.
    Sorry about the problems getting workers.

  2. Ugh on your insurance. That's a new FB scam -- not one I'd heard about. Creepy.

  3. What a pain for you.
    The only thing to do for fake Facebook accounts is to report them. That seems to work.
    There are so many idiots out there messing around. Pigs.

  4. I know a lot of people who have just left Facebook. Safer, I guess. About workmen. Always a problem; my daughter in the city is str uggling right now. In the midst of a bathroom reno, one sub-contractor made a stupid, stupid error and now the whole thing is on hold until it is corrected.
    We had one bathroom redone ... by a good friend of another daughter with vouched-for skills. Hard to find such folk.

  5. It takes all kinds, some people find scamming people brings in more money than working at a real job. Unbelievable.
