Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sunshine makes me happy

 It's a cold blustery day, but the sunshine is beautiful. The ground was white when I woke up, but Mr. Sun made short work of that. The outdoor thermometer didn't budge an awful lot though.

Nursing a sore back, I'm trying to lay kind of low yesterday and today. I was dragging the wet Swiffer around in the kitchen and ZAPPP, an old back problem resurfaced to remind me it was still festering in my connective tissue. 

The next couple of days are warming up quite a bit and the sunshine is hanging on. I'd sure like to be out there doing some yard work. I have been moving around the wee pots with the tomatoes. The upstairs south facing windows don't seem to get as many hours of sun as the downstairs. (This house does have deep eaves on the south side, a benefit in the hot months, but not so much in early spring.) One day in a new location and the little plants are popping up like crazy.

I was sitting at the diningroom table writing birthday cards to three of my adult children. They were all born within a week of days (different years of course). The call of the doves outside the window caught my attention. There is a pair hanging around the maple tree beside the garden shed doing a lot of courting. I didn't see any doves around the yard last year so it's a happy sight! I hope there will be wee ones soon. The bald eagle population over this little valley is BOOMING. A couple of weeks ago we saw a pair of mature adults (their white heads differentiate them from juveniles) feasting on something in the neighbours field. This morning I've seen a couple of them flying around. I sure wish they would get the squirrel population under control. The fox and fisher population in the immediate neighbourhood seems to have died off. The neighbourhood trapper claims that mange is ravaging the population of predators.

I heard from the insurance people this morning. The cheque is in the mail. 


  1. Congrats about the cheque.
    We had lots of doves in Quartzsite but i saw my first one up here today too.

  2. Lookin out the window, it does seem sunnier and calmer this morning.

  3. Oh my! 'The cheque is in the mail'! I hope that is true and not a horrible joke, as it sometimes seems to be.
    We have doves and the blue jays are doing their mating call. One pair of purple finches seem to have decided to stay for the duration, too.
    Yeah the bad back and the gardening thing. I am a half day behind on what I can do and it is only 1:00 pm. Sigh.

  4. Like yourselves, we wish the temps could stay in the 70s (20+C).
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. I'm glad you have sun, even if it's cold. Does wonders for the mood. I'm glad the insurance company is paying up. Now, onward. Hope the back is better today.
